Stereo Madness is the only level not to contain pads, rings or manipulation portals, and also the only level to introduce multiple forms.
#Geometry dash 2.2 menu update#
Stereo Madness was the only level of the first nine levels to have its difficulty retained while the others were downgraded in Update 1.9.Passing through it will lead to the third coin at the level's end. The background will turn red and the grid will shift to reveal a narrow alternate passage with close-contained spikes. After beginning the second ship sequence, pass the first pair of obstacles before entering a small crevice missing a block by the second ceiling obstacle. The third secret coin is located at 98% and collected as the ship.After travelling upon four adjacent narrow platforms, jump four times up onto a line of descending blocks and jump off the second to last block to collect the coin, clearing a short spike upon return to the main route. The second secret coin is located at 75% and collected as the cube.After the first ship sequence, jump twice up the first two columns, slide through a gap in the third column and jump again to collect the coin, or alternatively, jump thrice up the first three columns and slide down under the fourth column. The first secret coin is located at 50% and collected as the cube.Ship sequences take place from 30% to 48% and from 85% to 100%. The ship form is also introduced with sequences involving spacious manoeuvres around obstacles. Stereo Madness introduces the cube form with sequences involving blocks and spikes with simple jumping patterns.