
Book of mormon manuscript
Book of mormon manuscript

book of mormon manuscript

“You have portions of Ether where all you have is just a tiny fragment of the manuscript, and that’s all that survived,” he said. However, the further back in the manuscript, there’s more damage to the pages. In the cornerstone, there was a cavity between the two of the rocks that was used as a time capsule that included some coins, a newspaper and Bible, Jensen said. When construction on the Nauvoo House began, they laid a cornerstone and also had a ceremony, Jensen said. When the Church was in Nauvoo, Illinois, Joseph Smith received a revelation in 1841 to build the Nauvoo Temple and also a boarding house that was called the Nauvoo House (see Doctrine and Covenants 124). Editions of the Book of Mormon were printed in 1830, 18 (and in 1841 in England) and digital scans of those editions are available on the Joseph Smith Papers website. Joseph and other leaders kept the original or dictated manuscript of the Book of Mormon through the 1830s. Read more: Church releases Book of Mormon printer’s manuscript 3: Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon,” which was released in 2015 in two parts. It was published in “ Revelations and Translations, Vol. Grandin print shop for the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon. Joseph asked Oliver Cowdery to make a second copy of the manuscript, which would become the printer’s manuscript that was taken to the E.B. Early in the translation, Martin Harris took the first 116 pages of the translation to show family members, but later couldn’t find them. Joseph Smith “had learned the lesson early on that you don’t want a single copy of the Book of Mormon,” Jensen said. “I like to call that the dictated copy because that’s the one that was on the table being written on by scribes as Joseph Smith read the words aloud from the Book of Mormon,” Jensen said. The original Book of Mormon manuscript includes the handwriting of several scribes, including Oliver Cowdery, John Whitmer and Christian Whitmer, Jensen said. “I can’t say enough about how important this original manuscript is from a textual perspective and a historical perspective.” Read more: President Nelson lauds new volume of Joseph Smith Papers project, images of original Book of Mormon manuscript The manuscript “This original manuscript is so unique in world scriptures because this is as close as we’re going to get to that miraculous event,” Jesnen said. Original text from other scriptures, such as the Old Testament and New Testament, no longer exist.

book of mormon manuscript

“This is the artifact that was produced from Joseph Smith dictating from the Book of Mormon. It’s this wonderful window into this event that is believed by millions of people is miraculous,” Jensen said of the translation process. The volume is a facsimile edition and has images with the manuscript leaves or fragments and on the facing page includes the transcription, what is likely missing based on the printer’s manuscript and the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon, along with notes on who the scribe likely was. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Book of mormon manuscript